Anabolična mešanica zelišč Tribulus Ultra, 90 Kapsule s hitrim sproščanjem
20070<h2>What is Tribulus?</h2> <p>Tribulus Terrestris is an annual plant that thrives in warm and temperate regions throughout the world. It was discovered in the Mediterranean where it was used as a focal part of herbal traditions. This bold plant has become a renowned ingredient in the supplement industry and comes highly recommended by men everywhere. Looking for a professional source of Tribulus for your sports and fitness routine?</p> <h2>Fitness Lab's Tribulus Ultra</h2> <p>Fitness Labs has set an extremely high bar with this one. Our trademarked Tribulus Ultra is a strong force to be reckoned with. It delivers multiple layers of support in a single, high-powered herbal blend! The primary ingredient is 1,200 mg of highly concentrated Tribulus Extract standardized to 45% saponins.</p> <p>Our supplement also contains an Ultra Performance Blend. This features a lineup of herbs like Tongkat Ali, Stinging Nettle, Horny Goat Weed and more! Non-GMO quick-release capsules make it convenient to take anywhere, anytime. It’s the ultimate way to get this complete blend of ingredients in a single formula. Harness the power of Tribulus today with Fitness Labs!</p>Anabolična mešanica zelišč Tribulus Ultra, 90 Kapsule s hitrim sproščanjem
20070<h2>What is Tribulus?</h2> <p>Tribulus Terrestris is an annual plant that thrives in warm and temperate regions throughout the world. It was discovered in the Mediterranean where it was used as a focal part of herbal traditions. This bold plant has become a renowned ingredient in the supplement industry and comes highly recommended by men everywhere. Looking for a professional source of Tribulus for your sports and fitness routine?</p> <h2>Fitness Lab's Tribulus Ultra</h2> <p>Fitness Labs has set an extremely high bar with this one. Our trademarked Tribulus Ultra is a strong force to be reckoned with. It delivers multiple layers of support in a single, high-powered herbal blend! The primary ingredient is 1,200 mg of highly concentrated Tribulus Extract standardized to 45% saponins.</p> <p>Our supplement also contains an Ultra Performance Blend. This features a lineup of herbs like Tongkat Ali, Stinging Nettle, Horny Goat Weed and more! Non-GMO quick-release capsules make it convenient to take anywhere, anytime. It’s the ultimate way to get this complete blend of ingredients in a single formula. Harness the power of Tribulus today with Fitness Labs!</p>Tribulus mega , 1000 mg (na porcijo), 200 Kapsule s hitrim sproščanjem
Current price: € 11.93Original price: € 23.14Kompleks iz alpskega vimčka, 100 Vegetarijanske kapsule
Current price: € 17.95Original price: € 17.95Kapsule iz izvlečka tribulusa terrestrisa , 1000 mg (na porcijo), 100 Kapsule s hitrim sproščanjem
Current price: € 6.53Original price: € 12.45
More Information
What is Tribulus?
Tribulus Terrestris is an annual plant that thrives in warm and temperate regions throughout the world. It was discovered in the Mediterranean where it was used as a focal part of herbal traditions. This bold plant has become a renowned ingredient in the supplement industry and comes highly recommended by men everywhere. Looking for a professional source of Tribulus for your sports and fitness routine?
Fitness Lab's Tribulus Ultra
Fitness Labs has set an extremely high bar with this one. Our trademarked Tribulus Ultra is a strong force to be reckoned with. It delivers multiple layers of support in a single, high-powered herbal blend! The primary ingredient is 1,200 mg of highly concentrated Tribulus Extract standardized to 45% saponins.
Our supplement also contains an Ultra Performance Blend. This features a lineup of herbs like Tongkat Ali, Stinging Nettle, Horny Goat Weed and more! Non-GMO quick-release capsules make it convenient to take anywhere, anytime. It’s the ultimate way to get this complete blend of ingredients in a single formula. Harness the power of Tribulus today with Fitness Labs!
Podatki o dodatkih
- Velikost porcije: 3 Kapsule s hitrim sproščanjem
- Odmerkov na posodo: 30
product | Količina na porcijo |
% Dnevna vrednost (DV) |
Izvleček Tribulus terrestris (sadež) (standardizirano, da vsebuje 45 % saponinov) | 1,200 mg | * |
Maca (Lepidium meyenii) (korenina) (iz 75 mg izvlečka v razmerju 4:1.) | 300 mg | * |
Izvleček grškega sena (Trigonella foenum-graecum) (seme) (standardizirano, da vsebuje 50 % saponinov) | 200 mg | * |
Mešanica za ultra zmogljivost
Ovsena slama (Avena sativa) (nadzemni del) (iz izvlečka v razmerju 10:1), Koprive (Urtica dioica) (list) (iz izvlečka v razmerju 10:1), Izvleček vimčka (Epimedium sagittatum) (nadzemni del) (standardizirano, da vsebuje 10 % ikarinov), Tongkat Ali (Tongkat Ali) (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack ) (korenina) (iz izvlečka v razmerju 20:1)
500 mg | * |
Druge sestavine:
Rižev prah, Želatinasta kapsula, Rastlinski magnezijev stearat, SilikatNavodila:
Odrasli moški: vzemite tri kapsule s hitrim sproščanjem na dan, po možnosti skupaj z obrokom. Najbolje, če vzamete 1 uro pred telesno vadbo. Po 8 tednih uporabe naredite 2 tedna premora.OPOZORILO:
Ta izdelek je namenjen uporabi moškim in ni namenjen ženskam. Če jemljete katero koli zdravilo ali če imate kakršno koli zdravstveno težavo, se pred uporabo posvetujte z zdravnikom. Če se pojavijo kakršni koli neželeni učinki, takoj prekinite z uporabo tega izdelka in se posvetujte z zdravnikom. Ni namenjeno uporabi osebam, mlajšim od 18 let. Če je tesnilo pod pokrovom poškodovano ali ga ni, izdelka ne uporabljajte. Hranite izven dosega otrok. Hranite v hladnem in suhem prostoru.PipingRockova strast do kakovosti je podprta z notranjim naprednim analitičnim testiranjem
PipingRock zagotavlja najvišjo kakovost, ker načrtujemo, izdelujemo in testiramo svoje dodatke v lastnih najsodobnejših objektih.
Jamstvo, da ni gensko spremenjeno
Pri PipingRocku je vaše zdravje naša prioriteta številka 1. Gensko spremenjeni organizmi (GSO) so prisotni v številnih prehranskih dopolnilih, čeprav se še niso izkazali za varne za dolgotrajno uživanje. PipingRock je zavezan nenehnemu dodajanju široke palete izdelkov brez GSO, ki zagotavljajo vrhunsko kakovost brez možnosti genske spremembe.
Zajamčeno 100 % zadovoljstvo
Stojimo za kakovostjo naših izdelkov. Če iz kakršnega koli razloga niste zadovoljni s svojim izdelkom PipingRock, vam bomo vrnili celotno kupnino v skladu z našo politiko vračila.