100-odstotno karitejevo maslo za telo, 7 fl oz (207 mL) Kozarec, 2 Kozarci s pokrovom
8682<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>What is Shea Butter?</strong></h2> <p>Also known as kirate, shea butter is derived from the nut of the West African shea tree. These nuts are actually converted into the familiar semi-solid butter after being dried, roasted, ground, and boiled. The fats naturally found in these nuts float to the surface of the boiling water, where they are skimmed off and blended to form this thick cream-colored paste!</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>What does Shea Butter do?</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock’s own pure, hexane-free Shea Butter has been specially formulated to promote lush hydration, supplying natural nourishment and moisture. An increasingly popular body butter, shea will not only promote the soft, touchable skin you desire, but will also help to protect it from the elements we all come into contact with every day.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>How do I use it?</strong></h2> <p>This product is naturally solid when cool, and melts at body temperature. Liquify by rubbing a desired amount between the palms of your hands for a few seconds. This non-greasy butter is suitable to wear beneath sunscreen and make up.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Piping Rock's Promise:</h2> <p>We proudly offer you our evolving selection of Beauty & Personal Care products at the best value in the industry! From Clay Powders, to Organic Certified Coconut Oil, Biotin & Keratin Supplements, soothing Creams, Serums & More, we have you covered. We offer an endless variety of favorites that’s always evolving to meet every unique beauty trend. Our formulas are crafted through environmentally-friendly practices with Cruelty-Free testing and rigid safety standards.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>About Piping Rock’s Quality:</strong></h2> <p>You’ve found your One-Stop-Shop for Beauty & Personal Care at Piping Rock. Our products are perfected with premium-sourced ingredients and created in our own “GMP Certified” manufacturing facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality & purity. Each product goes through hundreds of checks, in-process and post-production. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with our formulas. We guarantee purity, potency, safety and innovation in everything we do.</p>100-odstotno karitejevo maslo za telo, 7 fl oz (207 mL) Kozarec, 2 Kozarci s pokrovom
8682<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>What is Shea Butter?</strong></h2> <p>Also known as kirate, shea butter is derived from the nut of the West African shea tree. These nuts are actually converted into the familiar semi-solid butter after being dried, roasted, ground, and boiled. The fats naturally found in these nuts float to the surface of the boiling water, where they are skimmed off and blended to form this thick cream-colored paste!</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>What does Shea Butter do?</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock’s own pure, hexane-free Shea Butter has been specially formulated to promote lush hydration, supplying natural nourishment and moisture. An increasingly popular body butter, shea will not only promote the soft, touchable skin you desire, but will also help to protect it from the elements we all come into contact with every day.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>How do I use it?</strong></h2> <p>This product is naturally solid when cool, and melts at body temperature. Liquify by rubbing a desired amount between the palms of your hands for a few seconds. This non-greasy butter is suitable to wear beneath sunscreen and make up.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Piping Rock's Promise:</h2> <p>We proudly offer you our evolving selection of Beauty & Personal Care products at the best value in the industry! From Clay Powders, to Organic Certified Coconut Oil, Biotin & Keratin Supplements, soothing Creams, Serums & More, we have you covered. We offer an endless variety of favorites that’s always evolving to meet every unique beauty trend. Our formulas are crafted through environmentally-friendly practices with Cruelty-Free testing and rigid safety standards.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>About Piping Rock’s Quality:</strong></h2> <p>You’ve found your One-Stop-Shop for Beauty & Personal Care at Piping Rock. Our products are perfected with premium-sourced ingredients and created in our own “GMP Certified” manufacturing facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality & purity. Each product goes through hundreds of checks, in-process and post-production. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with our formulas. We guarantee purity, potency, safety and innovation in everything we do.</p>More Information
What is Shea Butter?
Also known as kirate, shea butter is derived from the nut of the West African shea tree. These nuts are actually converted into the familiar semi-solid butter after being dried, roasted, ground, and boiled. The fats naturally found in these nuts float to the surface of the boiling water, where they are skimmed off and blended to form this thick cream-colored paste!
What does Shea Butter do?
Piping Rock’s own pure, hexane-free Shea Butter has been specially formulated to promote lush hydration, supplying natural nourishment and moisture. An increasingly popular body butter, shea will not only promote the soft, touchable skin you desire, but will also help to protect it from the elements we all come into contact with every day.
How do I use it?
This product is naturally solid when cool, and melts at body temperature. Liquify by rubbing a desired amount between the palms of your hands for a few seconds. This non-greasy butter is suitable to wear beneath sunscreen and make up.
Piping Rock's Promise:
We proudly offer you our evolving selection of Beauty & Personal Care products at the best value in the industry! From Clay Powders, to Organic Certified Coconut Oil, Biotin & Keratin Supplements, soothing Creams, Serums & More, we have you covered. We offer an endless variety of favorites that’s always evolving to meet every unique beauty trend. Our formulas are crafted through environmentally-friendly practices with Cruelty-Free testing and rigid safety standards.
About Piping Rock’s Quality:
You’ve found your One-Stop-Shop for Beauty & Personal Care at Piping Rock. Our products are perfected with premium-sourced ingredients and created in our own “GMP Certified” manufacturing facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality & purity. Each product goes through hundreds of checks, in-process and post-production. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with our formulas. We guarantee purity, potency, safety and innovation in everything we do.
100 % naravno karitejevo maslo brez heksanaNavodila:
Utekočinite, tako da drgnete med dlanmi 5 do 10 sekund. Nežno nanesite poljubno količino in posebno pozornost posvetite suhim ali razpokanim področjem. Po potrebi ponovno nanesite.Trditve:
Pridobljeno iz oreščkov drevesa kariteOPOZORILO:
Ta kozarec vsebuje tesnilo iz folije. Kozarca ne postavljajte neposredno v mikrovalovno pečico. Pred uporabo mikrovalovne pečice vzemite ven želeno količino in jo postavite v posodo za mikrovalovno pečico. Pred uporabo počakajte, da se ohladi. Ta izdelek se stopi nad 27 °C in se ponovno strdi, ko se ohladi. To je normalno in lahko vpliva na videz, vendar ne škoduje kakovosti izdelka. Če je v trdi obliki in ga želite zmehčati, ga postavite v posodo z vročo vodo za 30 minut ali v mikrovalovno pečico nekaj sekund. Samo za zunanjo uporabo. Izogibajte se stiku z očmi. Ne nanašajte na poškodovano ali razdraženo kožo oziroma na predele z izpuščaji. Prekinite z uporabo in se posvetujte z zdravnikom, če pride do občutljivosti kože. Hranite izven dosega otrok.PipingRockova strast do kakovosti je podprta z notranjim naprednim analitičnim testiranjem
PipingRock zagotavlja najvišjo kakovost, ker načrtujemo, izdelujemo in testiramo svoje dodatke v lastnih najsodobnejših objektih.
Jamstvo, da ni gensko spremenjeno
Pri PipingRocku je vaše zdravje naša prioriteta številka 1. Gensko spremenjeni organizmi (GSO) so prisotni v številnih prehranskih dopolnilih, čeprav se še niso izkazali za varne za dolgotrajno uživanje. PipingRock je zavezan nenehnemu dodajanju široke palete izdelkov brez GSO, ki zagotavljajo vrhunsko kakovost brez možnosti genske spremembe.
Zajamčeno 100 % zadovoljstvo
Stojimo za kakovostjo naših izdelkov. Če iz kakršnega koli razloga niste zadovoljni s svojim izdelkom PipingRock, vam bomo vrnili celotno kupnino v skladu z našo politiko vračila.