Multivitaminski dodatek iz polnovredne zelenjave in hrane brez železa, 120 Obložene tablete v obliki kapsule, 2 Steklenice
545<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Wholesome Nutrition in Each Multivitamin</strong></h2> <p>Whole greens/fruits & vegetables with probiotics have quickly become a staple in many people’s healthy lifestyles. What makes these nutrient-dense diets so popular? Whole foods and greens have been processed or refined as little as possible. They are free from additives and artificial substances, meaning each bite contains foods as close as possible to their natural state, delivering their natural benefits.</p> <p>Now you can support your healthy nutrition every day with Piping Rock’s own Max Whole Greens/Whole Foods Multivitamin! This nutrient-dense super supplement delivers a concentrated formula of food-derived nutrients, including essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and more! Take charge of your healthy lifestyle today! </p>RAZPRODAJA SE KONČA ČEZ
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Multivitaminski dodatek iz polnovredne zelenjave in hrane brez železa, 120 Obložene tablete v obliki kapsule, 2 Steklenice
545<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Wholesome Nutrition in Each Multivitamin</strong></h2> <p>Whole greens/fruits & vegetables with probiotics have quickly become a staple in many people’s healthy lifestyles. What makes these nutrient-dense diets so popular? Whole foods and greens have been processed or refined as little as possible. They are free from additives and artificial substances, meaning each bite contains foods as close as possible to their natural state, delivering their natural benefits.</p> <p>Now you can support your healthy nutrition every day with Piping Rock’s own Max Whole Greens/Whole Foods Multivitamin! This nutrient-dense super supplement delivers a concentrated formula of food-derived nutrients, including essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and more! Take charge of your healthy lifestyle today! </p>Super zeleni prah za dnevno uporabo (Ekološko pridelano), 9.88 oz (280 g) Steklenica, 2 Steklenice
Current price: € 34.50Original price: € 45.97Sadje in zelenjava za zdravo življenje, 250 Vegetarijanske kapsule, 2 Steklenice
Current price: € 37.78Original price: € 72.65Zelenjavno-sadna organska mešanica Greens & Fruits Plus Organic, 9.5 oz (270 g) Steklenica, 2 Steklenice
Current price: € 34.50Original price: € 69.00Sadje in zelenjava za zdravo življenje, 250 Vegetarijanske kapsule, 2 Steklenice
Current price: € 43.13Original price: € 71.85
More Information
Wholesome Nutrition in Each Multivitamin
Whole greens/fruits & vegetables with probiotics have quickly become a staple in many people’s healthy lifestyles. What makes these nutrient-dense diets so popular? Whole foods and greens have been processed or refined as little as possible. They are free from additives and artificial substances, meaning each bite contains foods as close as possible to their natural state, delivering their natural benefits.
Now you can support your healthy nutrition every day with Piping Rock’s own Max Whole Greens/Whole Foods Multivitamin! This nutrient-dense super supplement delivers a concentrated formula of food-derived nutrients, including essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and more! Take charge of your healthy lifestyle today!
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Pri PipingRocku je vaše zdravje naša prioriteta številka 1. Gensko spremenjeni organizmi (GSO) so prisotni v številnih prehranskih dopolnilih, čeprav se še niso izkazali za varne za dolgotrajno uživanje. PipingRock je zavezan nenehnemu dodajanju široke palete izdelkov brez GSO, ki zagotavljajo vrhunsko kakovost brez možnosti genske spremembe.
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