Balzam za ustnice z lizinom, 0.15 oz (4 g) Tuba
7310<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Discover the Wonder of Lysine for Your Lips!</strong></h2> <p>An essential amino acid, lysine is an important building block for protein and plays a significant role in the production of collagen, the substance that helps keep skin youthful and healthy. Lysine has recently seen a rise in popularity in skin-supportive applications, thanks to its support of smooth, moisturized lips!</p> <p>Support the health and appearance of your lips as you take on the elements of each day, from the wind and sun to hot foods and drinks. Combined with coconut oil, shea butter and other skin-nourishing ingredients, discover how easy it is to love your lips again with our Lysine Lip Balm!</p>Balzam za ustnice z lizinom, 0.15 oz (4 g) Tuba
7310<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Discover the Wonder of Lysine for Your Lips!</strong></h2> <p>An essential amino acid, lysine is an important building block for protein and plays a significant role in the production of collagen, the substance that helps keep skin youthful and healthy. Lysine has recently seen a rise in popularity in skin-supportive applications, thanks to its support of smooth, moisturized lips!</p> <p>Support the health and appearance of your lips as you take on the elements of each day, from the wind and sun to hot foods and drinks. Combined with coconut oil, shea butter and other skin-nourishing ingredients, discover how easy it is to love your lips again with our Lysine Lip Balm!</p>Vlažilni balzam za ustnice z vitaminom E, 3.5 grams (0.1 oz) Tuba
Current price: € 2.79Original price: € 3.73Balzam za ustnice z oljem čajevca, 0.15 oz (4 g) Tuba
Current price: € 2.90Original price: € 2.90Krema Super Lysine +, 0.25 oz (7 g) Tuba
Current price: € 8.29Original price: € 10.36
More Information
Discover the Wonder of Lysine for Your Lips!
An essential amino acid, lysine is an important building block for protein and plays a significant role in the production of collagen, the substance that helps keep skin youthful and healthy. Lysine has recently seen a rise in popularity in skin-supportive applications, thanks to its support of smooth, moisturized lips!
Support the health and appearance of your lips as you take on the elements of each day, from the wind and sun to hot foods and drinks. Combined with coconut oil, shea butter and other skin-nourishing ingredients, discover how easy it is to love your lips again with our Lysine Lip Balm!
Kokosovo olje (Cocos nucifera), Čebelji vosek, Olea Europaea (oljčno olje), Karitejevo maslo (Butyrospermum parkii), Kakavovo maslo (Theobroma cacao), Olje konopljinega semena (Cannabis sativa), Vitamin E (tokoferol), Lavril lizin, Arganovo olje (Argania Spinosa)Navodila:
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