Rjave morske alge v prahu (Ekološko pridelano), 1 lb (454 g) Vrečka
40448<h2><strong>Discover the Nutritional Power of the Sea!</strong></h2> <p>- Organic Kelp Powder</p> <p>- About 908 servings (1/4 tsp) per pound</p> <p>- Certified Kosher</p> <p>- USDA Organic</p> <p>Our Kelp Powder provides an easy way to incorporate the benefits of the sea-faring substance into your daily routine. A prominent marine plant, it can be found in saltwater near coastal fronts globally. While the color, and texture may differ region to region, its beneficial properties are always present. It’s high in vitamins, minerals and trace elements thanks to its ability to absorb the goodness of its marine surroundings.</p> <p>Full of naturally occurring nutrients, this seaweed is commonly found in a variety of sea foods and now supplements. Today, you can add a scoop of the powder into a smoothie bowl or matcha tea and grab the age-old benefits of this iconic ingredient!</p>Rjave morske alge v prahu (Ekološko pridelano), 1 lb (454 g) Vrečka
40448<h2><strong>Discover the Nutritional Power of the Sea!</strong></h2> <p>- Organic Kelp Powder</p> <p>- About 908 servings (1/4 tsp) per pound</p> <p>- Certified Kosher</p> <p>- USDA Organic</p> <p>Our Kelp Powder provides an easy way to incorporate the benefits of the sea-faring substance into your daily routine. A prominent marine plant, it can be found in saltwater near coastal fronts globally. While the color, and texture may differ region to region, its beneficial properties are always present. It’s high in vitamins, minerals and trace elements thanks to its ability to absorb the goodness of its marine surroundings.</p> <p>Full of naturally occurring nutrients, this seaweed is commonly found in a variety of sea foods and now supplements. Today, you can add a scoop of the powder into a smoothie bowl or matcha tea and grab the age-old benefits of this iconic ingredient!</p>Rjava morska trava (Wakame), 2000 mg (na porcijo), 60 Kapsule s hitrim sproščanjem
Current price: € 6.53Original price: € 11.41Kelp z jodom, 225 µg, 250 Tablete
Current price: € 7.26Original price: € 7.26Rjave morske alge (vir joda ), 225 µg, 500 Tablete
Current price: € 11.41Original price: € 15.25
More Information
Discover the Nutritional Power of the Sea!
- Organic Kelp Powder
- About 908 servings (1/4 tsp) per pound
- Certified Kosher
- USDA Organic
Our Kelp Powder provides an easy way to incorporate the benefits of the sea-faring substance into your daily routine. A prominent marine plant, it can be found in saltwater near coastal fronts globally. While the color, and texture may differ region to region, its beneficial properties are always present. It’s high in vitamins, minerals and trace elements thanks to its ability to absorb the goodness of its marine surroundings.
Full of naturally occurring nutrients, this seaweed is commonly found in a variety of sea foods and now supplements. Today, you can add a scoop of the powder into a smoothie bowl or matcha tea and grab the age-old benefits of this iconic ingredient!
Ekološko pridelan sušeni kelp v prahu (Ascophyllum nodosum)PipingRockova strast do kakovosti je podprta z notranjim naprednim analitičnim testiranjem
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