Cejlonski cimet v prahu (Ekološko pridelano), 1 lb (454 g) Vrečka, 2 Vrečke
41072<p>- Cinnamon Powder Ceylon Organic</p> <p>- USDA Organic</p> <p>- 1/4 Teaspoon (800 mg)</p> <p>Ceylon Cinnamon is considered the “true” cinnamon. This spice which is native to Ceylon, or Sri Lanka, has been used for centuries as an addition to foods. The cinnamon that we are familiar with stateside is usually the bark off the cassia tree. The indulgent aroma and bittersweet taste makes it a great addition to any dessert recipe or entrée that needs a bit of flavor. From teas to treats, this age old favorite is the perfect cupboard spice to have on hand at all times! </p>Cejlonski cimet v prahu (Ekološko pridelano), 1 lb (454 g) Vrečka, 2 Vrečke
41072<p>- Cinnamon Powder Ceylon Organic</p> <p>- USDA Organic</p> <p>- 1/4 Teaspoon (800 mg)</p> <p>Ceylon Cinnamon is considered the “true” cinnamon. This spice which is native to Ceylon, or Sri Lanka, has been used for centuries as an addition to foods. The cinnamon that we are familiar with stateside is usually the bark off the cassia tree. The indulgent aroma and bittersweet taste makes it a great addition to any dessert recipe or entrée that needs a bit of flavor. From teas to treats, this age old favorite is the perfect cupboard spice to have on hand at all times! </p>Cimet, 6000 mg (na porcijo), 135 Kapsule s hitrim sproščanjem, 2 Steklenice
Current price: € 19.21Original price: € 34.28Kompleks cimeta gymneme in murve , 2000 mg (na porcijo), 180 Kapsule s hitrim sproščanjem, 2 Steklenice
Current price: € 18.31Original price: € 33.82Cimet, 2000 mg, 180 Kapsule, 2 Steklenice
Current price: € 31.80Original price: € 42.37
More Information
- Cinnamon Powder Ceylon Organic
- USDA Organic
- 1/4 Teaspoon (800 mg)
Ceylon Cinnamon is considered the “true” cinnamon. This spice which is native to Ceylon, or Sri Lanka, has been used for centuries as an addition to foods. The cinnamon that we are familiar with stateside is usually the bark off the cassia tree. The indulgent aroma and bittersweet taste makes it a great addition to any dessert recipe or entrée that needs a bit of flavor. From teas to treats, this age old favorite is the perfect cupboard spice to have on hand at all times!
Podatki o hranilni vrednosti
- Velikost porcije: 6 g
- Odmerkov na posodo: 75
product | Količina na porcijo |
% Dnevna vrednost (DV) |
Kalorije | 15 | |
Skupaj maščoba | 0 g | 0 % Daily Value |
Nasičena maščoba | 0 g | 0 % Daily Value |
Trans maščobe | 0 g | |
Holesterol | 0 mg | 0 % Daily Value |
Natrij | 0 mg | 0 % Daily Value |
Skupaj ogljikovi hidrati | 5 g | 2 % Daily Value |
Prehranske vlaknine | 3 g | 11 % Daily Value |
Skupaj sladkorji | 0 g | |
Vsebuje 0 g dodanih sladkorjev | 0 g | 0 % Daily Value |
Beljakovina | 0 g | |
Vitamin D | 0 µg | 0 % Daily Value |
Kalcij | 60 mg | 4 % Daily Value |
Železo | 0.5 mg | 2 % Daily Value |
Kalij | 25 mg | 2 % Daily Value |
Druge sestavine:
Organski cejlonski cimet v prahuPredlagana uporaba:
Para cocinar, hornear, para el café/té, zumos, batidos y otras recetas.Druge informacije:
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