B-6 (piridoksin) , 100 mg, 250 Tablete
1069<h2><strong>Essential B-Complex Vitamin</strong></h2> <p>One of eight essential B-Complex Vitamins, vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) plays an essential role in many processes throughout your body and is a crucial nutrient for health and wellness.** As part of a regular diet, vitamin B-6 can be found in fortified cereal, meat, poultry, and fish, as well as some fruits and vegetables. A B-complex formula or B-6 standalone formula can help aid in the supply of this nutrient.</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock Vitamin B-6</strong></h2> <p>- Vitamin B-6 (100 mg)</p> <p>- Vegetarian Tablets</p> <p>- 250-Tablet Supply</p> <h2><strong>Vegetarian Vitamin Supplement</strong></h2> <p>Support a healthy lifestyle with Piping Rock’s Vitamin B-6 tablets. This vegetarian supplement is super potent, providing 100 mg of this vital B-Complex Vitamin in each tablet. We lab test all our vitamins, to ensure maximum purity, potency, and quality for your benefit. Receive the ultimate supply for your wellness routine with our 250-tablet bottle!</p>B-6 (piridoksin) , 100 mg, 250 Tablete
1069<h2><strong>Essential B-Complex Vitamin</strong></h2> <p>One of eight essential B-Complex Vitamins, vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) plays an essential role in many processes throughout your body and is a crucial nutrient for health and wellness.** As part of a regular diet, vitamin B-6 can be found in fortified cereal, meat, poultry, and fish, as well as some fruits and vegetables. A B-complex formula or B-6 standalone formula can help aid in the supply of this nutrient.</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock Vitamin B-6</strong></h2> <p>- Vitamin B-6 (100 mg)</p> <p>- Vegetarian Tablets</p> <p>- 250-Tablet Supply</p> <h2><strong>Vegetarian Vitamin Supplement</strong></h2> <p>Support a healthy lifestyle with Piping Rock’s Vitamin B-6 tablets. This vegetarian supplement is super potent, providing 100 mg of this vital B-Complex Vitamin in each tablet. We lab test all our vitamins, to ensure maximum purity, potency, and quality for your benefit. Receive the ultimate supply for your wellness routine with our 250-tablet bottle!</p>P-5-P (piridoksal 5-fosfat) vitamin B-6 ki deluje kot koencim, 50 mg, 200 Tablete
Current price: € 15.46Original price: € 25.74
More Information
Essential B-Complex Vitamin
One of eight essential B-Complex Vitamins, vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) plays an essential role in many processes throughout your body and is a crucial nutrient for health and wellness.** As part of a regular diet, vitamin B-6 can be found in fortified cereal, meat, poultry, and fish, as well as some fruits and vegetables. A B-complex formula or B-6 standalone formula can help aid in the supply of this nutrient.
Piping Rock Vitamin B-6
- Vitamin B-6 (100 mg)
- Vegetarian Tablets
- 250-Tablet Supply
Vegetarian Vitamin Supplement
Support a healthy lifestyle with Piping Rock’s Vitamin B-6 tablets. This vegetarian supplement is super potent, providing 100 mg of this vital B-Complex Vitamin in each tablet. We lab test all our vitamins, to ensure maximum purity, potency, and quality for your benefit. Receive the ultimate supply for your wellness routine with our 250-tablet bottle!
Podatki o dodatkih
- Velikost porcije: 1 Rastlinska tableta
- Odmerkov na posodo: 250
product | Količina na porcijo |
% Dnevna vrednost (DV) |
Vitamin B6 (kot piridoksin HCI) | 100 mg | 5,882 % Daily Value |
Druge sestavine:
Kalcijev karbonat, Celuloza (rastlinskega izvora), Kroskarmeloza, Rastlinska stearinska kislina, Rastlinski magnezijev stearat, SilikatNavodila:
Odrasli: vzemite eno rastlinsko tableto na dan, po možnosti skupaj z obrokom. Ne prekoračite priporočenega odmerka.OPOZORILO:
Ni namenjeno uporabi nosečim ali doječim ženskam. Če jemljete katero koli zdravilo ali če imate kakršno koli zdravstveno težavo, se pred uporabo posvetujte z zdravnikom. Če se pojavijo kakršni koli neželeni učinki, takoj prekinite z uporabo tega izdelka in se posvetujte z zdravnikom. Če je tesnilo pod pokrovom poškodovano ali ga ni, izdelka ne uporabljajte. Hranite izven dosega otrok. Hranite v hladnem in suhem prostoru.PipingRockova strast do kakovosti je podprta z notranjim naprednim analitičnim testiranjem
PipingRock zagotavlja najvišjo kakovost, ker načrtujemo, izdelujemo in testiramo svoje dodatke v lastnih najsodobnejših objektih.
Jamstvo, da ni gensko spremenjeno
Pri PipingRocku je vaše zdravje naša prioriteta številka 1. Gensko spremenjeni organizmi (GSO) so prisotni v številnih prehranskih dopolnilih, čeprav se še niso izkazali za varne za dolgotrajno uživanje. PipingRock je zavezan nenehnemu dodajanju široke palete izdelkov brez GSO, ki zagotavljajo vrhunsko kakovost brez možnosti genske spremembe.
Zajamčeno 100 % zadovoljstvo
Stojimo za kakovostjo naših izdelkov. Če iz kakršnega koli razloga niste zadovoljni s svojim izdelkom PipingRock, vam bomo vrnili celotno kupnino v skladu z našo politiko vračila.